About Plėtra Consulting

Plėtra, Lithuanian noun; development, broadening, expansion

Plėtra Consulting is on a mission to ensure high potential talent does not go unnoticed and encourages organisations to develop their talent from within.

As an advocate for talent development, Plėtra Consulting offers development programs and workshops for organisations who identify high potential talent, though may lack the internal capability, time or resources to support broadening their minds and further developing their potential.

Through tried and tested methods, Plėtra’s formulation for developing high potential talent will speed up their readiness for leadership, and enhance their value to the organisation, stakeholders, and customers.

HR professionals and people leaders know the difficulty and expense in finding exceptional talent externally; Plėtra Consulting can support organisations in becoming talent makers rather than talent takers.

About Raminta Kymantas

Australian born with Lithuanian heritage, known as Minta to family, friends and colleagues, she has spent the last 7+ years identifying leadership challenges and demands, and how best to support high potential leaders in better understanding who they are, how they prefer to work and how they prefer to lead.

Minta is internationally experienced with demonstrable experience in strategic organisational development interventions, influencing behavioural change through talent management solutions, global leadership capability and development, performance management, emotional intelligence coaching, team effectiveness, organisational culture and DEI initiatives.

Having worked across various industries, Minta is a versatile talent practitioner that can meet an organisation in its maturity model and offer solutions based on needs, resources and budget available.

She is a Certified Practitioner Human Resources (CPHR), holds a Masters Human Resource Management, Bachelor of Behavioural Studies, and Certificate IV Training and Assessment. She is also accredited to coach using the Emotional Intelligence Profile (EIP3), an Everything DiSC Certified Practitioner and Insights Discovery Certified Practitioner.

Minta is based in Sydney, Australia and travels for clients globally.

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Let’s talk about your talent.